What? You want to meet the people who inhabit the Semaphore TAB? Really? Wow...whats wrong with you? Seriously, you must have serious mental deficiencies!
But thats ok! We all do =D so smile you retard! Read this blog and it might make your head feel slightly better.....or worse.....I dont really care anymore =D
This first guy is a local crazy hobo that likes to come into the TAB and sit in front of the TV's and talk to himself. He'll talk to me and customers too...the latest is that he thinks the reason Elvis is still alive today is because the sky is blue. Clearly this fact can not be overlooked as a possible reason why the King should still be alive. I know Im all shook up about that little fact!
Next we have a lady, in her mid 40's Id say, normal enough....until you start serving her. It starts with a thanks for coming to the counter, then another thanks for telling her how much money she owes you, then another thank you for taking her money from the counter. *takes a deep breath* THEN another thank you when you give her the change. Now wait for it...just to mix things up a little she then leaves...but you guessed it, not without another thank you!! This time tho, its an overly loud thank you "THANK YOU!!!!!" Argh!! Why do you have to go up several decibels to thank me again?? Surely the 50 or so thank you's you just gave me are sufficient?
Let's not forget the copious amounts of old, fat, bald men (or OFB's) that come into the TAB. They dont have faces just that they are old, fat and bald....sort of like a cult only they never seem to drink the coolaid at the end of it. Instead they come into the TAB and hang around like maggots on a wedding cake! Whoa! Look...theres one now.....hiding next to the coke machine....sneaky little bugger!! GET OUTTA HERE!!
HAD ENOUGH YET? Yes? Well too bad!! .......continuing on........
This woman is all kinds of crazy + three degrees of strange! She comes in, writes on the back of tickets apologising to Jim Carrey for not being a fast typer and then goes up to a poster of a horse and starts patting it and horse whispering something to the horse. Im not sure what she said but Im pretty sure she promised to break him free from Candy Mountain in due course. Recently she brought in a green watering can and left it on the counter. Lucky for her I didnt think it was a weapon of mass destruction and try to dive on it saving all the other punters from what surely was a home style bomb made from a clever google search. Turns out it was just a watering can...BUT IT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN!!!!!!
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